Archives Collection
The archives collection is sorted into 11 categories and each item in the collection is assigned a unique number.
To begin researching, review the categories with specific examples for each below. This will help point you in the right direction within the archives collection.
Family/Oral History
Documents, photos, and items with connections to past residents of Richmond #2005.8.1 - 1893 Rev. Warren Dawley’s Personal papers. 2019.1.1 - 2017 Rally Russel’s Interview/Oral History
Documents, photos, and items related to roads, bridges, land management, etc. #1978.7.1. - 1922 Wood River Branch Railroad Ticket #2023.45.1 - 1856 An Act for Repair of Town Highways and Bridges
Reference maps of Richmond #2015.1.2 - circa 1920 Map of Carolina Mill #2019.20.1 - 1799 Survey map of highway from the Townhouse to Lillibridge land
Documents, photos, and items related to the mills and manufacturing in Richmond #2021.7.2 - 1841 Mill Ledger (Day Book) probably the Brother’s Mill #1974.17.1 - 1970 Reproduction of a 1747 Dress by P. Millar
Documents, photos, and items related to organizations and commerce in Richmond #2015.13.1 - 1943 History of the Alton Fire department #2009.55.4 - 1896 Washington County Agricultural Society Program
RHS Records
Documents, photos, and items related to the Richmond Historical Society itself #2023.10.1 - 1968 – Present Newsletter
Documents, photos, and items related to the overall history of Richmond #2007.31.4 - 1924 History of the Richmond VNA #2024.1.15 - 1926 The Mills took as much as they gave
Richmond History/Military
Documents, photos, and items related to the military history of Richmond and its residents #2024.13.6 - 1863 Original, handwritten Muster and Roster of Co. H, 8 th Regiment, #2024.7.9 - 1870 MeadowBrook Bridge Accident
Town Records/Government
Documents, photos, and items related to the town government and politicians of Richmond #2024.6.8 - 1810 Original, handwritten Complaint summons to Probate Court #2000.1.3 - 1808 Original, handwritten partial Town Meeting Minutes
School Records/Schools General
Documents, photos, and items related to the schools, teachers, and students of Richmond #2016.13.2 - 1886 Hillsdale School Teacher’s Register #2023.43.5 - 1948 Photo of Kenyon school
Villages/School Districts 1-15
Documents, photos, and items related to the 15 mill villages and school districts within the town of Richmond #1972.2.2 - circa 1880 Photo of Wyoming Main Street #20003.45.1 - 2000 Robinson’s History of Carolina