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Minutes from our Annual Meeting

Richard Wolke


The annual meeting of the Richmond Historical Society was held June 20, 2019 at Clark Memorial Library. In attendance were Dave Johnson, Laura Orabone, Chamoni Mossa-Simone, Bruce Simone, Kristen Chambers, Merrill Moone, Susan Jalette, Johanna Wolke and Richard Wolke.

Report of Officers

Secretary - Minutes of 2018 annual meeting. M. Moone moved to accept the minutes, published in the latest Newsletter, as amended by D. Johnson, seconded by S. Jalette. All approved.

Treasurer - C. Richard was absent but did leave copies of her report. Funding of the $1450 repairs to the Bell School were discussed. She also suggested the formation of the position of Assistant Treasurer. Motion made by J. Wolke, seconded by D. Johnson to place the report on file. All approved.

Vice President- K. Chambers asked to report later in the meeting.

President - The Society “is in good shape.” A Newsletter is being published on a regular basis. Programs have been well received. The Society did take a stand on commercial solar panels in historic, scenic areas. This was well received by the Richmond community.

Reports of Committees

Archives - Members are M. Moone, K. Chambers & R. Wolke. The death of Patty Millar and Betty Mowchan had left a gap in the management of the archives. K. Chambers explained how her involvement evolved. She continues to answer requests for information, most are via email. She is also helping to manage the FaceBook page. The Library has started a Genealogy Group, a good sign of people’s interest in history. M. Moone has been learning the Past Perfect program and entering items.

D. Johnson reported repair of the windows is scheduled. He has put bunting up on the windows and would like to purchase a banner to hang from the building. Chamonie suggested he try using Vista Print, it’s more economical for printing than Staples. Dave will inquire.

Cemetery - D. Wagner absent.

Newsletter - S. Jalette has published four Newsletters, they range from 6 to 8 pages. She appreciated the input she receives from members. D. Johnson suggested she send copies to Town Council members.

Programs - R. Wolke has been arranging programs for the past year, we do need someone to take over this Committee.

Publicity - Kristen does postings of activities on our FaceBook page and in the newspapers. Seh reported on how many people liked our FaceBook page, over 250.

Website - C. Moss Simone reported she had a difficult time finding our old website, because of this she built a new one. She presented what she has done. Members approved of her work and were happy to have her forge ahead.

Old Business

Reprinting of Driftways was discussed. J. Wolke contacted the publisher of the original edition. It was decided not to do the reprinting. It is too expensive and updating the book would be very time consuming and there isn’t enough member interest in taking on such a huge task.

New Business

Election of Officers - Nominations from the floor as follows:

President - M. Moone nominated K. Chambers, seconded by S. Jalette, all approved.

Vice President - C. Mossa-Simone nominated R. Wolke, seconded by B. Simone, all approved.

Treasurer - C. Richard was nominated by M. Moone, seconded by L. Orabone, all approved.

Secretary - J. Wolke was nominated by M. Moone, seconded by S. Jalette, all approved.

Member-at-Large - D. Johnson nominated for three years by J. Wolke, seconded by S. Jalette, all approved.

The Legislative Grant of 2019 of $2,000 was discussed. Half will be used for repairs of the Bell School, half for the development of a Carolina History Museum. This will include the cost of printing time-lines to be framed and hung in the building, desk repair, and materials needed to have the building restored.

K. Chambers discussed the formation of a committee to update the Constitution of the Society. She will email members seeking volunteers for such a committee. The Constitution has been amended twice, most recently in 1994.

R. Wolke suggested the payment of honorariums to speakers for various programs the Society hosts. Also discussed was payment for the use of the buildings that these programs are held. A motion was made by K. Chambers, seconded by D. Johnson to pay speakers $50 and $25 for the use of the building. M. Moone proposed an amendment to the motion; the payment will be at the discretion of the President, seconded by R. Wolke. Discussion followed, the amended was defeated.

The original motion was voted upon and was passed.

Public Forum

K. Chambers thanked various members for their contributions to the Society.

She proposed an exhibit and reception at the Bell School in September to honor B. Mowchan and P. Millar for the work they had done for the Society. C. MossSimone questioned if work being done on the building would interfere with this reception, D. Johnson said it wouldn’t.

In responding to Treasurer C. Richard’s request to fill a position of Asst. Treasurer, L. Orabone expressed interest. She would like to know more about the duties of such a position.

M. Moone questioned the proposal of selling items on EBay that the Society owns but that are not related to Richmond. Before any action is taken, this needs to be discussed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05.

Respectfully submitted,

Johanna Wolke


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